Out of all the possible hairstyles and color combinations available to women. Which hair colors are most attractive to guys?
Also, what do guys think about a girl’s hair color?
Let’s take a look at what color hair is most attractive to guys.
What Colour Hair Is Most Attractive To Guys?
Brown hair is considered to be the most attractive hair color to guys. According to a study by Badoo, around 60% of men say they find brunettes most attractive. With 33.1% preferring brown hair, 28.6% liking black hair, 29.5% picking blondes, and 8.8% favoring redheads. Which means guys prefer dark hair.

What Do Guys Think About A Girls Hair Color?
Most guys don’t commonly think or care too much about a girl’s hair color. Even though for example, some guys may have a personal preference for brunettes or blondes. Many guys consider the overall look, appearance, and personality of a girl, especially when dating or becoming interested in her.
Does A Girls Hair Color Matter To Guys?
On a superficial level, a girl’s hair color can matter to guys if they have a particular preference. However, guys with a preference often base this on experience and prejudgments about what a girl with specific hair colors are like. For example, they think blondes are fun, brunettes are seductive.
Do Guys Date Girls Because Of Their Hair Color?
Guys don’t normally date girls just because they have a certain hair color. Even though a guy might have a preference or find specific hair colors more attractive. It’s still considered shallow by most guys to only begin dating a girl based on her hair color.
What Is The Least Attractive Hair Color For Guys?
Red hair is commonly considered to be the least attractive hair color for guys. With guys finding brunettes and dark-haired girls the most attractive. Red is the least preferred hair color, as well as the most uncommon. With natural red hair occurring in only 1 to 2% of the global population.
Do Guys Prefer Natural Hair Colors?
Yes, guys like and prefer natural hair colors because they commonly have a preference for natural-looking, effortlessly attractive girls. Most guys prefer low-maintenance girls, and they are smart enough to know the maintenance or hair care required for unnatural colored hair
Do Guys Prefer Brunettes Or Blondes?
When it comes to brunettes vs blondes. Recent studies suggest guys prefer brunettes over blondes and find darker hair more sexually attractive. Despite popular belief that blondes are frequently preferred by men. They now typically favor brunettes and dark-haired girls instead of blondes.
Do Guys Prefer Brunettes Or Redheads?
Brunettes still come out on top as the most preferred hair color for guys. While some guys do have a preference for red hair or redheads. It’s a lot more common for guys to like brunettes or dark-haired girls instead of redheads simply because they are more common hair colors amongst girls.
Do Guys Prefer Brunettes Or Black Hair?
According to a study by Badoo, approximately 60% of men say they preferred brunettes compared to 28.6% liking black hair. Suggesting that overall, guys find brunette girls more sexually attractive than girls with black hair. That said, overall guys still seem to favor dark-haired girls.
What Is The Most Beautiful Natural Hair Colour?
Despite brown hair frequently being considered to be the most attractive hair color. The most beautiful hair color is ‘Bronde’ which is a mix between brown and blonde hair colors that appears natural. It’s a natural-looking color combination that blends well and suits most hair types and lengths.
Do Guys Like Natural Or Unnatural Hair Colors?
Even though most guys do prefer natural hair colors like brown, black or blonde. Some guys do like unnatural hair colors and dyed hair on girls. Especially if they think a girl is conventionally attractive. They like her overall appearance and find her sexually attractive regardless of hair color.
What Long Or Short Hair Color Is Most Attractive To Guys?
The most attractive hair color for girls with long or short hair is brunette. Irrespective of hair length. The majority of guys still find brown, black, or dark-haired girls more attractive and desirable. Which suggests hair length does not change their preference for hair color.
How Important Is Hair To Attractiveness?
When it comes to the importance of hair to attractiveness. Hair is an attribute that can positively influence the perception of attractiveness or subjective attraction. Hair colors and hair lengths typically have a smaller impact on perceived attractiveness when compared to hairstyles and shapes.
Do Men Get Turned On By Women’s Hair?
Men who have a distinct preference for a women’s hair can find it a turn-on. Especially if they favor a specific type of hair. Such as long, luscious, feminine-looking hair. A term called ‘Trichophilia’ is used to describe someone who is particularly attracted to and aroused by long human hair.
What Is The Prettiest Hair And Eye Color Combination?
Here are the most attractive hair and eye color combinations.
- Blonde Hair And Blue Eyes
- Brunette Hair And Blue Eyes
- Brown Hair And Light Hazel Eyes
- Red Hair And Dark Blue Eyes
- Brown Hair And Green Eyes
- Black Hair And Purple Eyes
- Blonde Hair And Dark Brown Eyes
- Black Hair And Green Eyes
- Brown Hair And Blue Eyes
- Red Hair And Green Eyes
Does Light Hair Or Dark Hair Make You Look Younger?
Lighter hair colors make you look younger than darker hair. However, the hair tone you choose is crucial. To look younger, you should stay away from ashy or cool tones. Instead, go for warmer natural-looking light hair with golden tones or highlights. Pick colors that give you a youthful glow.