If you have ever wondered what things happy couples do differently than unhappy couples. Then keep reading, as we discover the secrets to having a healthy, happy, and loving relationship with your partner.
Sometimes it’s just the simple or subtle things that go a long way to bringing more happiness to a relationship.
However, quite often it’s the things taken for granted in a relationship that may be often forgotten or neglected that begin to have an effect on its overall health.
Let’s take a look at the things most happy couples do differently.

13 Things Happy Couples Do Differently
While not all relationships can be created equally, there are still many things you can do to promote a happy and loving atmosphere in your relationship.
It’s sometimes the subtle things you do that can have the biggest impact on your partner and create a great relationship.
Here are some of the things happy couples do differently which are known to promote love, spice things up, and create happiness in any relationship.
1. Happy Couples Really Listen To Each Other

One common trait for couples that are happy is that they have great communication and understanding. They really listen to each other and are open and honest about all aspects of their lives with one another.
They often act as a shoulder to cry on and support each other on a daily basis.
Listening to your partner and confiding in them helps build the overall trust of any relationship. It also has the added benefit that you may learn something new and see them from a whole new perspective.
2. They Absolutely Love Lounging Around Together

Couples who love nothing more than lounging around in bed or on their couch with their partner normally have great relationships. It’s a great sign for any couple if you would rather do this than anything else on their to-do list.
When couples simply love spending time together in any way they can. It’s probably one of the most powerful sources of happiness in any relationship.
Both partners will feel loved and it will help cement a strong loving relationship going forward.
3. They Frequently Laugh Together And Have Inside Jokes

A great sign of a happy relationship is laughter – and lots of it! Playing around and inside jokes, all play their part in making both partners absolutely love spending time together.
Laughter also has its own benefits. It’s proven to reduce stress which is especially helpful if one of you is a workaholic or has a hectic schedule. Finding ways to make things fun and exciting is the key.
4. They Never Stop Learning In Life

Many happy couples have a tenancy to be life-long learners. Whether this is practical learning or the learning of life’s lessons. Learning makes life more interesting and intriguing.
Being an avid learner in any respect will help to make a happy relationship environment. Not only because this opens the doors up to achievement but it makes you a more perceptive person.
Perceptive people are interesting = more fun to be around.
5. Happy Couples Like As Much As They Love Their Partners

This may seem like an inherited trait for most relationships. As put simply you have to like your partner to fall in love with them. However, many happy couples go one step further. They not only love their partners but view them as their best friends in life.
Often they will intentionally overlook habits that may get under their skin in favor of only seeing the good, fun, and exciting sides of each other.
They will go out of their way to involve each other in their life experiences, and also choose to confide in one another first before talking to friends or family.
6. They Lend A Helping Hand

A lot of happy couples view themselves as being in an equal partnership. They are always willing to lend a helping hand and share the burden of duties or responsibilities they both might have day to day.
Couples who help one another, also often do this without being asked or prompted to do so.
It’s hardwired into the relationship and a great sign that you are progressing and moving forward in your relationship together.
7. Happy Couples See One Another With Fresh Eyes

Couples that are happy often see one another with fresh eyes. They will always look for new things that make their partner more interesting, fun, sexy, and attractive.
Perception is everything in a healthy relationship. It’s important that you actively look for the good in your partner or you could find yourself missing out on the small things.
How you perceive your partner will always affect the longevity of any relationship. Aim to discover something new about them each and every day.
8. They Cook And Have Frequent Meals Together

Cooking frequent meals together might be pretty common for most couples. We often cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. However, it’s not just about the enjoyment of eating.
Many happy couples swear by using this time together as a great way to slow down and connect with their partners each day.
As you chop and dice, don’t forget to talk about your day or events in your life that matter most. Over time this becomes hardwired as an environment to share and get closer to your partner. It’s yet another great secret to being a happy couple.
9. Happy Couples Push For Each Other’s Dreams

When a couple seeks to collectively fulfill each other’s lifelong dreams. This is a surefire way to boost a relationship’s health tenfold.
Sometimes one partner cannot achieve these dreams on their own, so a little help goes a long way.
Whether this is wanting to get that dream job, traveling the world, or buying the perfect house. All of this can be achieved if you both work together.
It doesn’t matter if it’s money or time that is required, a loving person in a happy couple will go above and beyond to achieve their partner’s dreams.
10. They Compromise Often In The Relationship

The ability to compromise is one of the fundamental traits of any good relationship.
You may be asked to manage your time differently, spend money you had not expected to, or perhaps even get along with people you don’t really like. Many of these aspects could be expected in a happy couple who compromise.
While compromise might seem like a bad thing for the partner who is doing it. The fact you are willing shows your commitment to your loved ones and it will not be forgotten.
It shows you care and respect your partner’s viewpoint enough to make a change for the greater good.
11. They Often Say “Yes” More Than “No”

While saying “yes” all the time doesn’t have to be anything like Jim Carrey’s character in the film “Yes Man”. It does offer some insight as to why saying yes more than no can have its benefits for any couple.
Your ability to say yes if your partner asks you to do something can go a long way. It will show them just how agreeable and willing to compromise you really are, which are two very attractive traits.
Your willingness to say yes also can lead to you both having better life experiences together and help progress the relationship further.
12. Happy Couples Seek Out Life Experiences Together

Couples that act as a team will often seek out adventure and life experiences together.
These experiences can be wide in range and often include many things they have never done before.
Booking secret holidays, climbing a mountain together or traveling the world normally top the list for adventurous couples.
Having life experiences together have their own hidden benefits. They produce brilliant memories together and create a stronger bond between both partners that will last for a long time.
13. They Last Through Thick And Thin

There is nothing on earth sweeter than an older couple still very much in love. You look in on their lives and wonder how they have managed to keep such a level of passion and love for one another?
Their relationship secrets may be simpler than you think.
They have simply combined the previous twelve things happy couples do! They respect, listen, learn, laugh, and love one another and have fine-tuned their daily lives to revolve around each other to make a great partnership.
What Do Most Happy Couples Do Differently?
The main thing most happy couples do is to communicate any issues they have and work through these together. Happy couples talk frequently and not just about work, family, or trivial matters. They discuss feelings, talk openly about their goals and dreams, and share what makes them happy or sad with their partners.
By talking frequently and keep up good communication. Happy couples can create a transparent and trusting environment in the relationship that promotes honesty, love, and happiness.
They often realize that they are lucky to have each other and to have someone to support them through life’s many ups and downs.
So communication is the key, and it’s something most happy couples focus on to make a difference and maintain a healthy relationship.
What Are the Signs of A Happy Couple?
How do you know if you are a happy couple, and what are the signs you should look for to know that you’re currently in a healthy relationship?
Here are the signs of a happy couple:
- Respect
- Communication
- Spending Time Together
- Enjoying Eachothers Company
- Teamwork
- Gestures Of Love
- Trust & Loyalty
- Intamacy