If you are considering getting a new tattoo with meaning but are fresh out of ideas. Have you considered going for owl tattoo designs that are so creative and wonderful they are breathtaking!
Tattoos are gaining popularity day by day, and this is especially true for tattoo designs containing animals to help symbolize something about yourself to others. Owl tattoo designs are no exception here and they have a rich history of different meanings and cultures associating images of owls to mean something greater and wonderful.
Many owl tattoos and their designs hold great meaning to the wearer, but of course, they can be used effectively in creative tattoos that are unique.
Before we dive into some of the most wonderful and best owl tattoo designs around. Let us first take a look at the symbolism and meanings of owl tattoos.
The Owl Tattoo Meaning And Symbolism
Just like many other animal tattoos, owl tattoo designs have a rich history of symbolizing different things to the wearer. Images or depictions of owls are commonly associated with being a strong symbol of knowledge, wisdom, and transition.
Owls also hold significance to many ancient civilizations and cultures. They play a part in the mythologies and beliefs of many cultures around the world. These include Hindu, Celtic lore and the Eqyptians.
It is believed in these cultures that the image or presence of an owl acted as a protector or guardian of the dead. It is also believed that owls possessed the knowledge to pass messages with the departed.
The Native Americans also viewed the owl as a guardian or gatekeeper of sacred knowledge. They also believed that owls could predict the weather and would make an appearance in your dreams to warn and advise you of dangers.
Here is a list of some of the meanings of owl tattoo designs…
Knowledge | Wisdom | Vison | Intuition |
Freedom | Transition | Intelligence | Experience |
Stealth | The Hunt | Protector | Guardian |
The Supernatural | Death | The Afterlife | The Messenger |
Mystery | Secrets | Memory | Natures Guide |
As you can see, there can be many different meanings for owl tattoos that have a wide range. However, many wearers of these tattoos simply pick them as they are a much-beloved animal throughout nature. And a majestic one at that!
Now, let’s take a look at some of the most creative and stunning owl tattoo designs you can try!
Owl Tattoo Designs For Arm And Sleeve
Getting owl tattoos on the arm or forearm is the most popular option for most people. Simply because it allows for enough space for a creative and unique owl design but can be displayed or covered up for work at will.
Full sleeve tattoos using owls in their imagery are also becoming increasingly trendy this season. Owls bring with them a lot of meaning and significance to the wearer. However, in most cases, they just make the perfect animal to choose when depicting an idea, sense or feeling in the tattoo design.
Owl tattoos on arms or sleeves can be simple and traditional, or complex using different styles or things like geometric designs and creative line work.
Small And Cute Cartoon Owl Idea

Two Styles Owl Tattoo Design For Arm

Galaxy Owl Tattoo Design With Initials

Cute New School Owl Tattoo Idea

Realism Owl Tattoo For Forearm

Realistic Looking Own Tattoo Design

Aztec Feathers Owl Tattoo On Arm

Full Sleeve Owl Tattoo Design For Arm

Cute Owl Tattoo Holding Lock And Key

Artistic Portrait Owl Tattoo Idea

Stunning Owl Tattoos For Legs And Thigh
Using beautiful tattoos of these nice-looking birds on your leg or thigh is also a great decision. Choosing how small or large you want your owl tattoo to be can seem like quite a challenge, especially when it’s on your leg or thigh.
However, once you have settled on the perfect design, or gained some ideas and inspiration for owl tattoos to try. It becomes easier and it’s just a case of picking the perfect placement of the tattoo to give the best effect.
Cartoon Owl Tattoo On Leg With Flowers

Colorful Owl Carrying Dream Catcher Tattoo

Galaxy Owl Leg Tattoo Design

Owl With Cherry Blossom Shin Tattoo Idea

Cute And Colorful Own Tattoo Design With Flowers

Black And White Owl Tattoo On Leg

Hidden Lock And Key Owl Tattoo Idea

Cute Owl Tattoo Idea With Cherry Blossom

Owl Sitting On Branch Tattoo Design

Large And Small Owl Tattoo Designs On Back
Owl tattoos on the back, or used in a back piece design can be simply stunning. You will have a fair amount of room to decide on the perfect size for the tattoo creation. Also, how low or high it will be placed on your back.
Some of the best owl tattoos follow the line of the shoulders and go across the top part of you back for an amazing look. This is because if using a design with the bird’s wings open, you can stretch the design from side to side which invokes a feeling of freedom or being free.
Images of Owls flying are simply spectacular, so why not try incorporating this into your chosen design.
Galaxy Planets Large Owl Back Tattoo Idea

Charming Dream Catcher Owl Tattoo Design For Back

Colorful Hunting Owl Tattoo Design

Cute Big Eyes Cartoon Owl Tattoo

Owl Holding Lantern Tattoo Idea

Japanese Style Owl Tattoo For Back

Beautiful Owl Tattoo For Chest And Sternum
Tattoos for the chest and underbust or sternum are growingly increasingly popular in today’s fashions and trends. Chest tattoos on girls using this design can look really elegant and beautiful. The inked design can follow the curves of your body and even enhance them.
Large owls such as barn owls can look spectacular for owl chest tattoos. They have more full and luscious feathers than other breeds of owl’s. Which can make for some great looking designs.
Beautiful Geometric Owl Tattoo On Sternum

Lines And Feathers Owl Tattoo Idea

Mexican Colour Owl Tattoo Inspiration

Owl Tattoo Design Idea For Chest

Trendy Owl Tattoo Idea Above Chest

Full Chest Owl Tattoo Design

Meaningful Owl Tattoo Designs For Neck
If you are really looking for a way to show off the symbolism and meaning an owl tattoo provides. Then choosing to have a small or unique neck tattoo can be a good option.
While it may not be ideal if your workplace frowns upon tattoos, or does not look fondly on tattoos being displayed openly. There is no denying that owl neck tattoos can look amazing.
Using realistic designs or keeping it simple with cute small cartoon owl ideas. You can really pull off a look that is both unique and will also get you a lot of attention.
Cute And Small Owl Neck Tattoo

Bright Eyes Owl Neck Tattoo Design

Brown Feathers Green Eyes Owl Tattoo

Fashionable And Alternative Neck Tattoo With Owl

Owl Tattoos Usings Lots Of Color
For those of you that are looking for a tattoo idea that contains lots of colors, or is bright, bold and beautiful. Take a look at some of these ideas for owl tattoos.
Watercolor owl tattoos are also very popular. Unlike full or realistic colorful owls. They will make use of many different colors to add vibrancy and content to make that tattoo pop out and look almost 3D.
You can place colorful owl tattoos anywhere you like and they will look stunning.
Owl With Candy Skulls Tattoo Idea

Colorful Two Cartoon Owls Tattoo

Watercolor Owl Tattoo For Arm

Natural Color Owl Image Tattoo On Upper Arm

Beautiful Owl With Flowers Stomach Tattoo

Realistic Owl Ink Tattoo For Arm

Simple Owl Tattoo Designs Black And White
If you are looking for a design that is simplistic or minimalist. Then you will not go too far wrong with a black and white owl tattoo design.
Using bold black lines and things like geometric shapes or mandalas. You can really have a tattoo that looks, simple, and traditional but still has that unique quality you need from any tattoo.
One benefit of getting an owl tattoo in black and white is that if down the road you change your mind and do want some color. This can be easily done by picking the colors you would like and having the design filled with the specific colors of your choosing. With an already colorful tattoo, you would need to have this covered or redone.
So for anyone who knows of good designs, but is undecided on the color. You can always go for a black-and-white tattoo and decide later.
Geometric Shapes Owl Design

Mystical Cartoon Owl Tattoo With Wide-Eyes

Ornamental Black And White Owl Tattoo

Black And White Mandala Owl Tattoo

Owl Sitting Over Flower Tattoo Idea

Large Black And White Owl Tattoo For Side